10 Warning Signs That Should Alert You When Applying for a Job
Bright Side has prepared for you a list of red flags you should pay attention to during a job interview so as not to have any regrets later on.
There are too many newcomers in a company
Dozens of people came to a job interview at the same time as you, and the employees look like they were hired just yesterday. If it’s not a new company, consider this a bad sign. High staff turnover often means poor working conditions.
A boss scolds subordinates in front of you
If your would-be supervisor lets all his anger out on his subordinates in front of you, ask yourself why he hasn’t fired them. And do you really want to work with such a person?
The responsibilities are too vague
If you read a job description and cannot understand what they want from you, it may signify that the potential employer doesn’t know what the job responsibilities are. And you probably won’t like the things they come up with later.
The interviewer definitely overpraises the company
If they promise you’ll have everything with no effort, it’s high time you got suspicious. A good employer has no interest in forming unrealistic expectations because they know you may be disappointed and leave at once.
The vacancy is a couple of months old
This may signify that the salary and benefits package are inadequate, or the company simply examined the market and didn’t really need new employees. Anyway, it’s better to not waste your time. The only exception is when you see the company requires specialists.
Unclear career prospects
The question "Where do you see yourself in five years?" has long ago become a standing joke among job applicants. Meanwhile, you can ask the interviewer the same question to evaluate your career development opportunities. An unintelligible response usually indicates that they’re very, very scarce.
You’re asked to pay a training contribution
This situation doesn’t require any explanation. A good company will never ask its potential employees to pay for employment, whether it’s for training, an ultramodern psychological test, or to purchase a uniform.
Employees say unflattering things about their job
The best way to get to know about the company you might be going to work in is to communicate with its staff in an informal setting. Their stories can differ from recruiting sites’ descriptions, and not for the better.
The staff don’t like their boss
Are the subordinates clearly nervous in their supervisor’s presence, and do they say pretty rough stuff in their absence? You’d better think about it because a bad manager can make a job unbearable — even a well-paid one.
Oppressive atmosphere
When entering the room in which you’ll be interviewed, look closely at the people there. Some time later you may find yourself in their shoes. If this prospect looks more frightening than pleasing, you’d better refuse this job.
Illustrated by Victor Senin for BrightSide.me
Based on materials from Someecards
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