12 Inexpensive Ways to Make Your Apartment a Masterpiece of Design
Finding the right décor and design for your apartment can be a difficult process. Just one little feature can end up setting the tone of the whole endeavour. Fortunately, there are a number of little tricks which can help turn the whole thing into a masterpiece of design — and they’ll hardly cost you a cent.
Decorate the television with a picture frame
Lay down some handmade rugs or mats
Design your own fireplace
Make use of pipes and tubes left over from repair work
Be creative with wooden pallets
Make a picture from old things you have lying around
Fairy lights are always a good idea
Mix things up with a wide striped pattern on the floor or walls
Try making your own lampshade or chandelier
Use mirrored surfaces to give the impression of space
Reimagine old furniture with a new decorative design and color
Add some simple decoration to the ceilings
Preview photo credit kitchenfunwithmy3sons
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