15 simple facts that might save your life one day

We all are familiar with life’s main indispensable safety rules. However, sometimes we find ourselves facing an unexpected situation that makes us feel confused and at a loss for what to do.

Today, Bright Side wants to remind its readers of a few important facts that will be helpful in dealing with any unforeseen predicament!

Don’t use a cell phone while walking

Health and safety consultants note that combining walking and using your cell phone proves too big a challenge for our brain. This can cause you to lose track of your surroundings, becoming blind to any possible dangers (such as a speeding car that might suddenly come your way).

Eliminate blind spots when driving by correctly adjusting your car’s mirrors

Adjust the side mirrors in such a way as to be barely able to see the edges of your car. This rearrangement will help you eliminate any blind spots in the side zones. Position your rearview mirror so as to always be able to see any car that comes up behind you. To ensure the mirror readjustment’s effectiveness, do it directly from the driver’s seat.

Make sure to have the right clothes for cold weather

Remember that wet skin gives off heat much faster, so it’s important to try to keep your skin dry for as long as possible. Ensure that your body temperature does not fall too quickly by wearing woolen clothes — such clothes are very good at absorbing moisture. Cotton and other fabrics are poor moisture absorbers — wearing clothes made from such materials will cause you to freeze in no time at all.

Do not inflate your life jacket before exiting the aircraft

This is especially true in case of emergency water landings. As any air safety expert would tell you, inflating your life jacket inside a rapidly submerging airplane will cause you to float up to the cabin’s ceiling, unable to move without help. The right thing to do is to take a deep breath and swim out of the airplane with your life jacket still deflated. Only when you’re safely out of the plane should you pull the inflation cord.

Prevent the danger of choking on a piece of food by learning the Heimlich maneuver

Medics advise everyone to learn the Heimlich maneuver. It might prove vital in saving yourself or others from choking. Just follow this sequence of actions:

Place your fist, thumb side in, just above the person’s navel.Grasp the fist tightly with your other hand and move it upwards, applying strong pressure to their rib cage.Repeat such quick upward and inward thrusts until you dislodge the object blocking their airway.If none of the above-mentioned actions produce an effect, lean the person over a fixed horizontal object, such as a table edge, chair, or railing, and press their abdomen just above the navel against the edge to produce a quick upward pressure. Repeat until the object is expelled.

Always carry anti-allergy (antihistamine) pills

You never know when an allergic reaction might strike! Make sure to aways have anti-allergy drugs at hand — this could prove crucial in helping yourself or others. Even more so if you’re planning on going camping or preparing for a long trip!

Remember that your body’s endurance limits are most often determined by The Rule of Three

As numerous studies have shown, on average people can live 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without shelter in extreme weather conditions, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food.

In case of vegetable oil catching fire on a gas stove, quickly turn off the gas and put something over the pan to smother the flames

Firefighters warn never to use water when trying to extinguish burning fat or oil. Water particles will immediately end up at the bottom of the pan and begin to evaporate, which will make the flames even stronger. The correct action is to cover the burning pan with something as this will cut off the fire’s supply of heat and oxygen.

Do not remove a knife or other sharp object from a wound

Medical experts say that under no circumstances should you remove a knife or any other sharp object from a wound. As long as the knife stays in the wound, it prevents bleeding — possibly the most dangerous consequence of any stabbing. What you should do is try to minimize the bleeding even further as you wait for medical help to arrive.

Be especially careful during the first three minutes after takeoff and the last eight minutes before landing

According to researchers, 80% of plane crashes occur during these specific time periods. The best way to behave is to remain extra vigilant and focus on memorizing your required actions during an emergency.

If caught in a fire, try to stay as close to the ground as possible

Experts note that the greatest threat during a fire comes from carbon monoxide fumes, not burns. To avoid inhaling poisonous smoke, try to stay as close to the floor as possible — right until you vacate the danger area.

If you suddenly feel unwell in a public place, make sure to only ask one person for help

You should only ask one person for help because of a well-documented psychological phenomenon, known as diffusion of responsibility. To put it simply — you’ve got much better chances of receiving assistance from one particular person than from a whole crowd of people.

Always carry a powerful flashlight

Personal safety experts recommend this simple gadget as an effective weapon in case of stalking or a sudden ambush. If you notice a suspicious-looking person who is clearly preparing to attack you, shine a powerful flashlight directly into his or her face. As a result, your adversary will be temporarily disoriented, allowing you to make an escape.

Memorize the basic rules of conduct in case of fire

All too often, when faced with a never-before-experienced crisis, we tend to freeze up and do nothing to save ourselves. That is why survival specialists advise to always check out the emergency exit map in any building you happen to frequent. Best to do it beforehand and not wait for a possible emergency to occur!

Always carry documents that can help to verify your identity and provide necessary medical information

Make sure to always carry some ID papers on your person. These documents should include medical information (such as your blood type, allergic reactions, etc). This way, if something unexpected occurs, even a complete stranger will be able to offer you quick and effective assistance. Don’t forget a list of personal contacts, as well: phone numbers of people that need to be alerted in case of an emergency.

Based on materials from Business Insider 

15 simple facts that might save your life one day 15 simple facts that might save your life one day
Reviewed by @Admin on April 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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